Sunday 30 October 2011

Applying myself.

My application is in.  A single mouse click has set me on the path to a career in teaching.  Or rather: one hell of a lot of work, a pay cut, the inestimable support of my family AND a single mouse click has seen me apply for training.  And if i get in, then I can have the career.
So now I wait.

And so to a quick namecheck for Genius Loci.  He may well cover it in more detail, so suffice to say we spent a pleasant afternoon at GL HQ in the company of good friends we don't see often enough and reminded ourselves why we all get on so well.  If I wasn't so damn tired I'd mention how proud I was of my kids today, what with Thing Two smiling at everyone, and Thing One making the most of her newfound confidence.  But I need sleep, so that must wait.

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