Friday 9 December 2011

Ultraviolet Lite

It hasn't been the easiest week.  We've been waiting for the final bits of the house move to come together, I'm waiting to find out if I have got onto the teaching course, and the girls have been taking it in turns to be violently ill.   I've not had enough sleep and therefore fully expect to be joining them soon.

So it's a good job I'm easily distracted.
I recently acquired one of those UV lights shops use to check for funny money, and spent a diverting half-hour passing everything I could think of which might be security-marked under it.  The security marks on money were no surprise, but our chequebooks were worth a look.  Three iterations of UK passport yielded differing results, with the most recent being a real visual feast.  I had no idea that credit cards had a fluorescent feature, or postage stamps, for that matter.

At the risk of sounding slightly unhinged, I'd recommend everyone spend some time with one of these lights and all their important documents.  It's fascinating.  And when you've got used to the Stabilo highlighter colours springing off the pages of your passport, try your (UK) driving licence.  It's a treat.

Anyway, now I have to go and stress about a house move, and get mentally ready for all the vomiting.


  1. I have to get me one of those! Where did you get it? I want to see all those hidden signs of authenticity on my documents!
    I remember also going into a very dark dive of a bar somewhere where the only light on the dancefloor was UV. My colleague, being of caribbean descent took great delight in the fact that all I could see was his white sirt collar and his teeth.

  2. Oh, it almost literally fell off the back of a lorry, so I'm afraid I don't know. Mind you, if I didn't have one I'd now want one. As for UV in clubs, you really have to make sure you've cleaned your teeth. Not that I go to clubs these days...

  3. Hello:
    It is quite by chance that we have happened upon your highly entertaining and very varied blog with accounts of days out in Sheffield City centre, the Chesterfield canal, and now the merits of a machine to scan money, passports, credit cards and anything else which comes to mind. And we can see the attraction. Only today, just before changing the new £50 notes into Hungarian currency, we spent time holding them to the light to examine for 'hidden' features to make them more difficult to forge.

    We are intrigued to read that you are on the point of moving but perhaps did not go back far enough to learn from where to where. But, both having taught for a major part of our lives, we do wish you every success with your training. You write very highly of the school in which you have a placement which is, we feel, so very refreshing when, so often, education is denigrated.

    We have joined as Followers.

  4. The move is/will be a mere stroll around the corner, but a world away in quality. A garden, more room to live and more room for the girls to play. Room to breathe. But that must wait until the new year. As for the teaching, I found out yesterday that I didn't make it to the shortlist for training next September so that must remain voluntary for now. Thank you for your good wishes; I believe I'll make it eventually.
