Sunday 6 November 2011

A Bloody Silly Question

"Are you busy in June?" asked Ben, over tea and buns.
"What do you have in mind?" I said, assuming it was fishing.  It generally is.
"Do you fancy canoeing down the Chesterfield canal?"
Halfway through "down" I was planning which stove to take and whether it would be a two day trip or three.
He knew I'd say yes, of course.  In 2009 me and Dan, a mutual college friend, had rocketed 80 miles down the dangerously swollen Wye in a 16ft Canadian canoe, and a year later we did it again far more sedately and had just as much fun.
Dan and I have a history of such adventures and they never disappoint, and the idea of doing something similar with Ben is just plain splendid and very much overdue.  Despite the generous 8 months notice I am already wondering about the logistics.  Neither of us has a canoe, but that just seems to me to be an opportunity to start looking for one.  Maybe Richard will want to come along too.  Actually I'd put money on it.  And with the three of us going we'll need the fishing gear too, as well as a large enough tent and food for three.  And booze.


We're going to need a bigger boat.

1 comment:

  1. Favorite sentence fragment,

    'a year later we did it again far more sedately'
