Saturday 5 November 2011

Is there anything else on?

Since becoming a father many things have changed for me.  That's no surprise, of course.  I'd expected, and even hoped, that would be the case when we embarked upon the adventure.  I feel more observant, defensive and responsible, not to mention older and a great deal more tired.  But what I hadn't counted on was the sudden inability to watch any films or television programs with even vaguely emotional themes without having a good old cry.  How often I find myself in the middle of a moving documentary having to intensely study a corner of the bookshelf, or Getting Something In My Eye during the news.
But if there's something on TV which involves children under duress, then either pass me the remote or leave me alone, because I'll be in pieces.
I didn't ask for this flood of emotion and I don't recall anyone warning me about it.
So I'm warning you, dear reader.  Being a parent is as rich and rewarding as you'd hope and expect, but you'll never laugh along to Crimewatch again.


  1. Favorite line:

    'But if there's something on TV which involves children under duress, then either pass me the remote or leave me alone, because I'll be in pieces.'

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let me try that again in a syntax that makes sense. Sorry.

    Aha! So it wasn't just me then! There is a saying "it takes a big man to cry but an even bigger man to laugh at that man."
    I can't watch war films any more either as every soldier, in my mind, is my son.

    It never goes away, you know. I still get tearful at watching babies born on telly.
    And I blub uncontrollably at "The Snowman" as I look at the huge man my little boy became and remember the toddler holding my finger. Its ok though as I am quite big.

  4. On the news they sometimes say that "some people may find the following report distressing", and these days it sounds like permission.
    I'm glad, at least in some ways, that it never goes away. It is quite comforting on the days when you feel you just don't care about anything else to be reminded that you do.
